Date.prototype.Months = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"]; Date.prototype.Days = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; Date.prototype.format = dateFormat; function dateFormat(format) { var dateString = format; //yyyy is a 4-digit year - i.e., 2002 dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("yyyy", "g"), this.getYear() ); //yy is a 2-digit year - i.e., 02 var yy = new String( this.getYear() ).substring(2,4); if (yy.length == 1) yy = "0" + yy;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("yy", "g"), yy ); //MMMM is the full month - i.e., September dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("MMMM", "g"), this.Months[this.getMonth()] ); //MMM is the first three letters of the month - i.e., Sep dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("MMM", "g"), new String( this.Months[this.getMonth()] ).substring(0,3) ); //MM is the number of the month - i.e., 9 var MM = new String(this.getMonth()+1); if (MM.length == 1) MM = "0" + MM;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("MM", "g"), MM ); //HH is hours - i.e., 3 var HH = new String( this.getHours() ); if (HH.length == 1) HH = "0" + HH;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("HH", "g"), HH ); //mm is minutes (always 2-digit) - i.e., 05 var mm = new String( this.getMinutes() ); if (mm.length == 1) mm = "0" + mm;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("mm", "g"), mm ); //ss is seconds (always 2-digit) - i.e., 08 var ss = new String( this.getSeconds() ); if (ss.length == 1) ss = "0" + ss;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("ss", "g"), ss ); //EEE is the first three letters of the day - i.e., Wed dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("EEE", "g"), new String( this.Days[this.getDay()] ).substring(0,3) ); //dd is the numerical day of the month - i.e, 25 var dd = new String( this.getDate() ); if (dd.length == 1) dd = "0" + dd;//pad if single digit dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("dd", "g"), dd ); //EEEE is the full day of the week - i.e., Wednesday dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("EEEE", "g"), this.Days[this.getDay()] ); //timezone is the the timezone in hours from GMT - i.e., GMT+5 tz = this.getTimezoneOffset(); timezone = ""; if (tz < 0) timezone = "GMT-" + tz / 60; else if (tz == 0) timezone = "GMT"; else timezone = "GMT+" + tz / 60; dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("timezone", "g"), timezone ); //time24 is the time based on a 24 hour clock - i.e., 18:24 var minutes = new String( this.getMinutes() ); if (minutes.length == 1) minutes = "0" + minutes;//pad if single digit var time24 = new String( this.getHours() + ":" + minutes ); dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("time24", "g"), time24 ); //time is the time based on am/pm - i.e., 6:24PM var time; var ampm; var hour = this.getHours(); if ( hour < 12) { if (hour == 0) hour = 12; ampm = "AM" } else { if (hour !=12) hour = hour - 12; ampm = "PM"; } time = new String(hour + ":" + minutes + ampm); dateString = dateString.replace( new RegExp("time", "g"), time ); return dateString; } function parseDate(dateAsString,timeAsString,dateFormat,timeFormat) { var newYear = dateAsString.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("yyyy"),dateFormat.indexOf("yyyy")+4); var newMonth = dateAsString.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("MM"),dateFormat.indexOf("MM")+2)-1; var newDay = dateAsString.substring(dateFormat.indexOf("dd"),dateFormat.indexOf("dd")+2); var newHour = timeAsString.substring(timeFormat.indexOf("HH"),timeFormat.indexOf("HH")+2); var newMinutes = timeAsString.substring(timeFormat.indexOf("mm"),timeFormat.indexOf("mm")+2); return (new Date(newYear,newMonth,newDay,newHour, newMinutes,0,0)); } function kmToMiles(km) { miles = km/1.6093; miles = miles*1000; miles = Math.round(miles); miles = miles/1000; return miles; } function milesToKm(miles) { km = miles*1.6093; km = km*1000; km = Math.round(km); km = km/1000; return km; } function doNothing() { } if (typeof((new Array()).push) == "undefined") { function push() { for (var i = 0 ; i < arguments.length ; i++) { this[this.length] = arguments[i]; } } Array.prototype.push = push; } function confirmDelete(url,message) { if(!message) message='Please confirm !'; if(confirm(message)) { document.location.href=url; } } function confirmUnknownCashflow(url,message) { if(!message) message='Please confirm !'; if(confirm(message)) { document.location.href=url; } } function openWindow(url,windowName,width,height) { if(typeof(windowName)=='undefined') { windowName='popup'; } if(typeof(height)=='undefined') { height=400; } if(typeof(width)=='undefined') { width=600; },windowName,'height=' + height + ',width=' + width + ', menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, toolbar=no, resizable=yes, location=no'); } function getObj(id) { if (parseInt(navigator.appVersion)>3) { if (navigator.appName=="Netscape") { return document.getElementById(id); } if (navigator.appName.indexOf("Microsoft")!=-1) { return eval('document.all.'+id); } } } // Forms list sort functions function upperCaseWithoutAccents(value) { var lowValue = value.toLowerCase(); var minus = "aàâäbcçdeéèêëfghiîïjklmnoôöpqrstuùûvwxyz"; var majus = "AAAABCCDEEEEEFGHIIIJKLMNOOOPQRSTUUUVWXYZ"; var sortie = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < value.length ; i++) { var car = lowValue.substr(i, 1); sortie += (minus.indexOf(car) != -1) ? majus.substr(minus.indexOf(car), 1) : car; } return sortie; } function compareText(opt1, opt2) { var majOpt1 = upperCaseWithoutAccents(opt1.text); var majOpt2 = upperCaseWithoutAccents(opt2.text); return majOpt1 < majOpt2 ? -1 : majOpt1 > majOpt2 ? 1 : 0; } function sortListBox(pListBox) { var options = new Array (pListBox.options.length); for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { options[i] = new Option (pListBox.options[i].text, pListBox.options[i].value, pListBox.options[i].defaultSelected, pListBox.options[i].selected); } options.sort(compareText); pListBox.options.length = 0; for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) { pListBox.options[i] = options[i]; } } function sortListBoxesByName(pListBoxName) { var listBoxes = document.getElementsByName(pListBoxName); for(i = 0; i < listBoxes.length; i++) { sortListBox(listBoxes[i]); } } function sortListBoxesStartingWith(pListBoxNamePrefix) { var lists = document.getElementsByTagName('select'); for(i=0 ; i < lists.length ; i++){ var list = lists[i]; if( { sortListBox(list); } } } function sortFormListBoxes(formName) { var lists = document.getElementsByTagName('select'); for(i=0 ; i < lists.length ; i++){ var list = lists[i]; if( == formName) { sortListBox(list); } } } function isFF() { return (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)); } function isIE() { return (/MSIE (\d+\.\d+);/.test(navigator.userAgent)); } function confirmCreateInvoice(url,message) { if(!message) message='Please confirm !'; if(confirm(message)) { document.location.href=url; } }